All posts by Beacon Hose

Scenes from Beacon Hose’s Fire Prevention Day

Beacon Hose was thrilled to continue its annual tradition of Fire Prevention Day, when we visit the students at Laurel Ledge during the day and host an open house in the evening.

Members spent the morning and early afternoon at the elementary school, meeting with classes to talk about many fire safety topics. Here are some scenes from the day.

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Fire Prevention Week 2015: Open House and Safety Tips

It’s one of our favorite weeks of the year at Beacon Hose — Fire Prevention Week, when we get to share important fire prevention and safety tips with our community.

This year’s Fire Prevention Week theme is “hear the beep where you sleep.” What does this mean? We want to make sure our residents have installed smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of their homes, including the basement. Larger homes may need more alarms.

Here are a few key bits of information that you might not know about the importance of smoke detectors and escape plans. (If you’d like to see more fast facts about fires, click here.)

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BHC Observes National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend

nfff-logoThe National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is an organization that holds a special place in the hearts of Beacon Hose. We have made several trips to the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Park in Emmitsburg, Md., to partake in ceremonies and honor the memories of heroes who have died in the line of duty.

Beacon Hose has the rare distinction of being a small town with four men who have died in the fire service and are therefore honored at this sacred ground. In fact, no other all-volunteer department in Connecticut has as many line of duty deaths than Beacon Hose. Our departed members include:

Past Capt. Wilbur Wheeler (Dec. 31, 1979)
Past Chief Joseph A. Daddona (Aug. 31, 1986)
Past Chief Robert A. Cole (Dec. 19, 1991)
Past Asst. Chief Kevin J. Swan (March 10, 2010)

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Beacon Hose, Citizens’ Team Up To Host Successful Convention

convention-logoBeacon Hose Co. No. 1 and Citizens’ Engine Co. No. 2 teamed up to host the 132nd annual Connecticut State Firefighters Association Convention and Parade from Sept. 18-20, 2015.

We were extraordinarily humbled and thrilled to host the state’s most prestigious firefighting event, one that was many years in the making. Thanks to those who supported the event by coming out, and especially to those who sponsored and/or attended our fundraisers so that we could put on a successful event.

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Beacon Hose Sets Full Slate of Events This Fall

Beacon Hose has a jam-packed slate of events planned throughout this autumn for both members and the public.

The season began, of course, with the 2015 Upper Valley CSFA Convention and Parade at the end of September.

From there, it only gets more exciting. Here’s a sample of what’s on deck over the next month. We’ll have much more information on all the events coming soon. As always, our updated events schedule is available on our calendar.

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